
The Ultimate Guide to Selling on Amazon FBA

Learn the fundamentals of Amazon selling and learn how you can start your own Amazon FBA business.

What you will learn

  • Basics of the Amazon Selling Industry
  • A variety of business models
  • Inventory Sourcing
  • International Selling
  • Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)
  • Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM)
  • The Necessary Tools
  • Software
  • and Equipment
  • How to pick profitable products


Grab this course before it’s no longer free!

You're here because you want to sell on Amazon or maybe you already sell on Amazon and want to improve your business and understanding.

This course was created to help new sellers learn about the Amazon selling platform including programs such as Amazon FBA and FBM. Amazon has grown exponentially over the years and is continuing to grow to become one of the most profitable companies in the world. Amazon's market cap recently hit $500 billion dollars and will continue to soar. The majority of this is possible due to all the 3rd party Amazon sellers like you and me. Last year Amazon took 53% of all sales growth of online retailers. More consumers are purchasing on Amazon due to its quality of products and convenience. This leaves a major opportunity for Amazon sellers to fulfill.

Becoming an Amazon Seller is one of the smartest decisions you can make because this will allow you to get a piece of a very lucrative pie.

Who am I and what makes me qualified to teach you?

My name is Richard Smith, and I’m the creator of FBAKingdom and the author of the eBook “Ultimate Free Guide to Selling on Amazon.” I am also a seller on Amazon and run my own store. I have years of experience selling and have collaborated with many other sellers on launching products and sales. Through my years of experience, I have accumulated a lot of knowledge that I wish I had access to when I first started. I have mentored and helped many people launch Amazon selling businesses who have become very successful.

Additionally, I get emails and comments from many people who want to become Amazon sellers but have difficulty finding the “right” information. Many websites say many different things leaving the reader confused; and not only do they leave them confused, but they also charge hundreds or even thousands of dollars for free information. So I decided to create my blog, eBook, and this course to relay this information and provide a roadmap to becoming a successful seller on Amazon.

What will you learn in this course?

You will learn all the fundamentals of Amazon selling and all the programs that are involved. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) and Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM) are just the beginning of topics we’ll cover. You will also learn about the various business models: Retail Arbitrage, Online Arbitrage, Private Labeling, Dropshipping, Wholesaling, and more.

You will also learn about important Amazon selling characteristic features such as Sales Ranks, Selling Categories, and Product Restrictions. Furthermore, I go in-depth with all the necessary software and tools you will need to succeed with Amazon selling.

Lastly, I provide a lucrative business model and go in-depth on how to build it and operate it. This business model is straightforward to replicate and can scale up very quickly. It is a great business model for all sellers whether you’re a beginner or an experienced seller.

What are you waiting for?

I have made this course entirely FREE (for now!) and will continue to update it with more content. A lot of time and effort was spent in this course and is an accumulation of my own business practices, research, and knowledge from other 6-7 figure Amazon sellers. So don’t waste another cent on any other course or software without first taking the knowledge I give you here and actually understanding and applying it.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone looking to generate a stream of revenue
  • Stay at home Moms/Dads, Students, etc...
  • Beginners who are looking to sell on Amazon
 -  The Ultimate Guide to Selling on Amazon FBA
  • Udemy teacher
  • English
  • 0
  • 1275
  • 2022-03-06