
Thinking profoundly about organisational development

Business Improvement - Programme Management- Organisational Development - Learn about a new framework to enhance success

What you will learn

  • By the end of the course you will be introduced to an organisational development framework based on four key and interrelated areas - systems
  • performance
  • capabilities and transformational leadership
  • Understand the multiple and complex challenges being faced by organisations today and in the future
  • Understand how each of the four key areas are important and what key questions to ask and actions steps to take to embed them into your organisational culture


Organisations are facing multiple and highly complex challenges now and moving forward. Traditional change management, systems improvement, product/service development and capability building models are not as successful as they could be. This is because most organisations only focus on systems and processes rather than a more holistic approach.
This course is designed to introduce an organisational development framework based on four key and distinguishable but interrelated areas - Systems, Systems Performance, Capability Building and Transformational Leadership. Learners will be introduced to the Strategic Context in which organisations are in today and the organisational responses required. Learners will receive a basic introduction to the organisational development framework.The course then deep dives into each of the four elements - introducing it, before advising on key questions Organisations should ask to see how successful they are at the particular element, before detailing action steps to be taken to help embed the framework element into their organisation.It is an introductory course only.

Who this course is for:

  • Business people interested in a new way of thinking about organisational success
  • Managers
  • Team Leaders
 -  Thinking profoundly about organisational development
  • Udemy teacher
  • English
  • 1
  • 1097
  • 2022-03-07