Personal Development

Superhuman Focus - The Ultimate Masterclass 4.0

Learn The Principles Behind Enhanced Concentration, Focus, Cognitive Dominance & Bullet Proof Attention

What you will learn

  • In This Course
  • You Will Develop Cognitive Dominance That Will Give You The Competitive Edge You Need In Today's Modern World
  • You Will Learn Techniques And Methods That Will Enhance Your Concentration
  • Focus
  • And Attention
  • You Will Be Able
  • Through Different Time Management Systems To Manage Your Time Properly
  • And Organzine Your Tasks In A Smooth And Cognitively Comprehensive Manner


Warren buffet and Bill Gates were sitting on a table when an interviewer asked them a question: " What's the secret behind you success? "

The two titans replied and agreed: " Laser Focus "

It's all about focus, how long can you focus, how deep can you focus, how to navigate and direct your focus.

Focus is one of the rarest things to find nowadays. The ability to focus is become weaker and weaker everyday as people are getting closer to distracting technologies. In a world where distractions are all around us, we need to learn how to be more productive, get ahead of others who are falling victims of the distracted digital age that can be a blessing and a curse, focus strategies can take us to a whole new level.

In this course, we will go through the Scientific Background of learning strategies and how it learning works, memory and how you can control it and use it to your advantage, speed reading and how to read way more in less time while ensuring proper comprehension of the content. You will learn the fundamental scientific basis behind productivity and time management.

  • Attention is a critical element in your day-to-day activities. How you think, feel, and act all depends on it. Attention also affects the accuracy of your decisions and therefore shaping your life events.

  • From social conversations to chess games, how well we concentrate determines the output of any event.

  • The average human brain has an attention-span of nearly 8 seconds, and that number is decreasing due to our digital employment in our lives.

Who this course is for:

  • You should take this course if you are trying to increase your ability to focus and concentrate on a daily and ongoing basis
  • You should also take this course if you have trouble managing your time and organizing your tasks
  • People who want to learn how to manage their time properly and effectively
 -  Superhuman Focus - The Ultimate Masterclass 4.0
  • Udemy teacher
  • English
  • 3
  • 1482
  • 2022-03-21