
Social Media Ethics

Just because you can tweet it, doesn't mean you should. Learn to do the right thing on social media.

What you will learn

  • Exercise good judgment when using social networks for work
  • Avoid tweeting something that could get you sued or fired
  • Understand what constitutes ethical
  • respectful behavior on social media
  • Demonstrate tolerance and consideration for others on social networks


Social media ethics training course explains the requirements of the law, how ethics policy applies to social networking and how to engage in ethical conversations on social networks.

Promote ethical conduct online in this self-paced employee training on social media ethics. Certify employees and professionals to use social media effectively while enhancing ethics and compliance. This course is appropriate for anyone who wants to learn to use social media for business without violating Federal, State and local rules and regulations.

Covers liability for unethical behavior, how the National Labor Relations Act governs social media use at work, professional netiquette standards, rules concerning work related social media use on personal vs. branded social networking accounts, how to avoid provoking defamation, discrimination and harassment claims on social networks, the risks associated with confidentiality and confidential sources and much more.

Who this course is for:

  • This course for anyone who wants to learn ethical behavior on social networks.
 -  Social Media Ethics
  • Udemy teacher
  • English
  • 1
  • 1212
  • 2022-03-06