
Introduction to risk management

Learn the fundamentals of risk management in less than three hours!

What you will learn

  • Everything you need to understand the basics of risk management in less than three hours


Start Your Risk Management Journey Here Today

Whether you are a risk manager just embarking on a new career, a member of a risk assessment project who wants some more background or an executive who wants to understand the background to the risk reports you receive, this is the place to start.

I've taken over 25 years of risk management experience and condensed the key elements into three sessions of less than 30 minutes each. These cover everything you need to get started including:

  • What is risk?

  • What are the key components of an individual risk.

  • How to write a risk statement

  • How to assess risks quantitively.

  • How to plan a risk assessment.

  • What options are there to mitigate risks?

The sessions provide the basic information you need to understand risk and the core elements of risk management. And because it's based on academic and practical experience, it's all actionable.

Plus the course is supported by downloadable tools and templates that you can put to immediate use in your own project.

Learn the fundamentals of risk management in less than three hours!

Who this course is for:

  • Beginners from any field. (Literally any field: teachers, security manager, investors and engineers are just some of the people to have taken this course.)
  • Anyone who needs or wants a refresher in risk management.
 -  Introduction to risk management
  • Udemy teacher
  • English
  • 2
  • 1234
  • 2022-03-06