IT & Software

quilliup - Alpha to Omega

If you do not validate your data, you cannot treat it as an asset.

What you will learn

  • Business users will be able to validate data and share results.
  • Capable data engineers will be able to automate testing and administer quilliup.


quilliup is a data quality platform, running as a web application, which comprises multiple modules. Quality Gates, the main module, will be the focus of this course. Quality Gates increases and maintains data quality, decreases cycle time, and automates manual processes. Quality Gates has advanced alerting features and can integrate with any ecosystem, including those using other monitoring platforms like Splunk. The Quality Gates validation methodology consists of three steps: test, automate, alert. This course will guide you through every aspect of Quality Gates.

Future sections will illuminate the other modules in quilliup.

Who this course is for:

  • Business users, both technical and non-technical, interested in validating data.
  • Capable data engineers as part of their onboarding process.
 -  quilliup - Alpha to Omega
  • Udemy teacher
  • English
  • 2
  • 1283
  • 2022-03-17