
Power BI for Business Users

Make your data speak!

What you will learn

  • Create beautiful dashboards instead tons of boring spreadsheets and slides
  • Make involving presentation based on interactive visual story
  • Create visualizations without programming skills
  • Learn some interesting tips to simply working with Power BI


The more data you have, the harder it is to highlight key metrics. Can data analysis in Excel and preparing presentations in PowerPoint clarify the main tendencies in your datastore? Or do you drown into unrelated reports and typical slides? Dashboard created in Power BI is the best way to combine data analysis and storytelling. Plenty of charts, cards, and Key Performance Indicators are matched on one dashboard. This tool is useful for CEO and non - management employees as well. Managers are able to control the progress of different departments, product sales, or finishing working processes. As for employees, some dashboards are good motivators to estimate everyone’s progress in comparison with others and push harder.

This short course will help you to get acquainted with presenting data in Power BI. Also, you will learn how to tell a story based on your data. You can take this course lacking a having any experience in working with Power BI and Excel. However, you should install Microsoft Power BI on your PC. I hope, this quick introduction will convince you to add using Power BI into your everyday working routine. This in turn help to improve business processes in your company or department.

Who this course is for:

  • Non-technical people solving business issues every day: managing sales and products, analyzing finance, market, or production.
  • Managers who want to sell their ideas better and make meetings with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders more efficient and agile.
  • People who don’t want to learn all the software features but would rather inquire the tips & tricks to get results as of tomorrow.
  • IT professionals who want to get more focused on business KPIs and implement business approach to reporting.
  • All the people who want to make savvy reports without any technical background.
 -  Power BI for Business Users
  • Udemy teacher
  • English
  • 6
  • 1411
  • 2022-03-06