
Maze Games in GameMaker

Learn the GameMaker Core Concepts and Create a multilevel Maze Games with Score, Health and Intelligent Monsters

What you will learn

  • Students can create a new game with GameMaker Studio
  • Students can create a Character for their game
  • Students program their Character to move
  • Students can explain the difference between a Sprite
  • Object and Room in GameMaker
  • Students can explain the difference between an Event and an Action in GameMaker
  • Students can explain how Fixed Movement
  • Keyboard Events and the No Key Event are used together to create Maze Game Character movement in GameMaker
  • Students can explain how the Step Event works and how it can be used to ask Questions from the game.
  • Student can create a Wall Object for their game
  • Students program a Character to be constrained by Wall Objects
  • Students can explain how Collisions work in GameMaker
  • Students use questions and (if-else) statements to ensure alignment in positioning
  • Students will configure parent-child relationships between objects
  • Students create groups for your sprites and objects to organise them
  • Students create health functionality and health bar displays i


Have you ever wondered about how to build computer games and not known where to start? GameMaker is an easy to use games development platform which streamlines the production of games. This means that all the common events in games like health, score, collisions, animations, levels, gravity etc.. are very easy to implement! 

In this course you will learn how to construct a multi level maze game with randomised gem behaviour, animated sprites, intelligent monsters and cool explosions. The course is created by two veteran classroom teachers one of whom is a GameMaker expert (Nat) and the other(Sanjin) is an experienced programmer learning GameMaker for the first time. So this means that all the core concepts are covered multiple times, all the common mistakes are explained and demonstrated before they happen and the students have a clear idea of the benchmarks which demonstrate understanding. 

Who this course is for:

  • This course is for anyone who is keen to get started with programming
  • This course is anyone would like to learn how games work and how to make them
  • This course is for anyone who would like to learn the core functionality of GameMaker
  • This course IS NOT for experienced programmers (2000 hours+)
 -  Maze Games in GameMaker
  • Udemy teacher
  • English
  • 4
  • 1259
  • 2022-03-13