IT & Software

Learn HTML5 Essential (Urdu/Hindi)

Enter the world of Web Development

What you will learn

  • HTML5 in easy sreps
  • All Necessary Tags
  • Build your own website


Every web page that you see on the net is built using a language or code. There are many different programming languages that can make your website do various things, but the two most important to learn are HTML, CSS and JavaScript. With HTML you can create complete web page but if you want to create beautiful website or want to add interaction you should learn CSS and JavaScript later.

You will learn how to create engaging web pages using HTML5, which is an integral part of the development

This course is consist of HTML 5 essential Tags.

It includes

  1. All basic tags (html, body, title, head)

  2. Text formatting tags (bold, Italic, headings, Paragraph, Lists,  etc.)

  3. Media tags (Image, Video and Audio)

  4. Table tags (Tabular Data)

  5. Link tags (Hyper Links)

  6. Forms tags (All form tags to create feedback form, Contact Form, etc.)

  7. Structural tags (Section, Division, header, footer etc.)

  8. Google Map and IFrame

After this course you must be able to create complete web pages and after 2 hours course your web design dream come true. Enroll to begin your journey to be a web development master. Students will be proficient with coding in HTML and ready to tackle the more advanced scripting languages.

Who this course is for:

  • Absolute Beginners
 -  Learn HTML5 Essential (Urdu/Hindi)
  • Udemy teacher
  • Urdu
  • 9
  • 2021
  • 2022-03-18