Teaching & Academics

Introduction to Power Electronics in Smart Grid

Interconnection of Power Electronics & Smart Grid, HVDC Transmission, Energy Distribution, Control, & Electric Vehicles

What you will learn

  • Overview of Grid Automation and Control
  • Introduction to Distributed Generation System
  • Introduction to Energy Storage System
  • Applications of Power Electronic Converters
  • Inverters
  • and Filters in Smart Grid
  • Role of Electric Vehicles in Smart Grid
  • Overview of Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids
  • Distribution Management System in Smart Grid
  • Renewable Energy Systems
  • Overview of High Voltage DC (HVDC) Transmission System
  • Environmental Impact of Smart Grid
  • Electrical Engineering


Due to the ever increasing electricity demand; to acquire maximum share of renewable energy, reduce transmission line power losses, and to slow down the effect of climate change because of the greenhouse emission by power plants and vehicles, the transition to Smart Grid is inevitable. In this course, along with the benefits of Smart Grid and its significance, the core technologies of Power Electronic Systems that are massively used in Smart Grid have been discussed.

This course has been designed keeping in view the curiosity of vast majority of people about Smart Grid, despite their diverse academic background. Through this course, everyone regardless of their academic background will be able to understand the fundamental design and working principles of Smart Grid System, the role of modern Power Electronic components and devices, and other key factors, such as Information Technology, and Automation Control in the formation of Smart Grid.

This course covers the following topics which are mutually exclusive in Power Electronics and Smart Grid:

1. Transition from Traditional Electrical Grid to Smart Grid

2. Grid Automation and Control

3. Distributed Generation System

4. Energy Storage System

5. Power Electronic Converters, Inverters, and Filters

6. Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid

7. Role of Electric Vehicles in Smart Grid

8. Renewable Energy Systems

9. High Voltage DC (HVDC) Transmission System

10. Distribution Management System in Smart Grid, including:

         i. Customer Information System

         ii. Outage Management System

12. Environmental Impact of Power Electronics and Smart Grid

Who this course is for:

  • College/Undergraduate Students who want to explore Power Electronics and/or Smart Grid
  • Anyone having an interest in emerging technologies in Power Electronics and Power Systems
  • Passionate Power Electronics and Smart Grid Enthusiasts
 -  Introduction to Power Electronics in Smart Grid
  • Udemy teacher
  • English
  • 6
  • 1423
  • 2022-03-11