IT & Software

RPA - Intelligent Digital Workforce Management

Build, operate and manage your digital workforce using QueenBOT RPA effectively and with ease.

What you will learn

  • About digital workforce management
  • QueenBOT RPA BOT lifecycle
  • How to build a BOT
  • How to test and deploy a BOT
  • How to monitor BOT performance


Did you know, Intelligent Digital Workforce Management (IDWM) is the first and only technology that synthesises the best of RPA, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning to create a real time digital workforce on the frontline of intelligent automation.

What also makes it different from the traditional RPA is the ability to build and deploy easily and quickly in a low code/no code environment not to mention Real-time management and deployment of multi-skilled BOTs to undertake many different tasks without human intervention. Empower yourself with the knowledge and cutting edge automation skills as we bring you the opportunity to learn one of the leading RPA platforms i.e, QueenBOT RPA.

Who this course is for:

  • Developers
  • Business analysts
  • IT professionals
  • Automation enthusiasts
  • Sales engineering
  • Students
 -  RPA - Intelligent Digital Workforce Management
  • Udemy teacher
  • English
  • 2
  • 1394
  • 2022-03-17