Finance & Accounting

How to Conduct Fundamental analysis to pick profitable stock

Learn how to screen profitable stocks across companies and industries

What you will learn

  • understand how to conduct fundamental analysis to screen worth investing industries and companies


From my experience in investment analysis and stock market research, expertise I developed in the banking and finance industry where I worked for 16+ years, and having advanced knowledge I acquired from my MCOM, Accounting, Economics, and Business Management degrees; I am here to deliver stock trading strategies in real simple and confusion freeways.

This course will help you understand How to Conduct Fundamental analysis to screen worth investing company or industry

After taking this course you will understand how to screen worth investing stocks across industries and companies.  

By the end of this course you will also know how to screen profitable stocks using  different fundamental tools. So you can make informed investment decision while minimizing risks attached with.

Lastly, this course is taught in real simple and easy-to-follow ways; I hope you enjoy the course as complex topics are made simple/easy to understand. 

Who this course is for:

  • Any one seeking to trade in profitable stocks and make money
 -  How to Conduct Fundamental analysis to pick profitable stock
  • Udemy teacher
  • English
  • 6
  • 1206
  • 2022-03-07