
How to be a High Performance Insurance Broker (Introduction)

The step by step system to turn your insurance practice into a high revenue generating machine...Relationship Management

What you will learn

  • Familiarize yourself with our course
  • Get excited about becoming a peak performer
  • Learn the fundamentals of achieving peak performance


This is an introductory overview of our full course How to be a High Performance Insurance Broker.

How to be a High Performance Insurance Broker was designed for insurance agency principals and brokers to show you the exact steps to creating your practice precisely the way you want it to be. The course was designed to help you unlock all of the potential that you and your practice possess. This is the complete guide for insurance agency principals who want to maximize revenue, maximize profit, and enjoy their practice more, while not adding more hours to their work week. It has come out of the culmination of 11 years of working directly with agency principals on development and peak performance.

Here's what's covered in our full course

Part One – Vision and Strengths
In part 1, you will understand the importance of having a solid and compelling vision. You’ll learn why vision is the vital piece to begin reaching your highest levels of achievement. You’ll understand what vision is NOT and why most people fail to achieve their vision. And you’ll go through an exercise that will help you clarify your own vision. You’ll also learn why focusing on our signature strengths vs. working on our perceived “weaknesses” is a more effective way to be a peak performer.
Goals and Objectives:
- Understand the importance of having a vision
- Creating and clarifying your own personal and professional vision
- Dispel myths about vision
- Understand the importance of your signature strengths
- Identifying what your signature strengths are
- Using your strengths to reach your highest levels of achievement

Part Two – Talent, Skill, Confidence, Mind Management, and Resilience

In part 2, you will learn why self confidence is the single greatest predictor of success and how self confidence is developed. You will also learn how talent, skill, and self confidence all work in conjunction and in an endless “loop” to propel you to higher levels of performance. You’ll also learn why proper mind management plays the greatest role in your behaviors and outcomes and why, as we say, if you manage your mind, you manage your destiny. Finally, you’ll learn why resilience is necessary to reach your highest levels of performance and how to develop more of it.
Goals and Objectives:
- Describe the real meaning of self confidence, why it’s important, and how to develop it
- Understand what is meant by talent, skill, and self confidence
- Understand how all 3 work together continually in peak performers
- Understand the role mind management plays in our outcomes
- Have several methods for practicing mind management
- Understand the importance of having the characteristic of resilience
- How to develop more resilience and mental toughness
- Understand why mind management is the greatest determinant of success

Part Three – Relationship Management, Relationships with Yourself and Others

In part 3, you will examine your relationship with both yourself and others. You’ll understand why having a good working relationship with yourself is necessary before you can have solid relationships with others. You will learn how managing the relationships with others can be the best sales skill you ever learn. You’ll also understand the different styles of communication and the most effective communication style in relationship management. You’ll learn why relationship management is so important to being a high performance insurance practice.
Goals and Objectives:
- To understand and improve the relationship with yourself
- Understand how the relationship with yourself effects the relationships with others
- Understand how to use the relationships with others as a valuable sales tool
- To learn the different types of communication and what type of communicator you are
- To understand the most effective style of communication and how to develop and utilize it

Part Four – The plan, Goals, and Counsel

In part 4 “If it doesn’t get measured, it doesn’t exist”. In this course, you’ll learn the importance of accountability and keeping score. You’ll understand the importance of having a plan, goals, and behaviors and why they are necessary to be a high performance broker. You’ll see how goals play a role in our vision and the importance of proper goals setting. We’ll also uncover some myths around goal setting. You’ll also learn the importance of having good outside counsel if you want to perform at your highest level. Whether it’s a coach or a peer advisory board, solid outside counsel can become the most effective tool for problem solving and proactive solutions.
Goals and Objectives:
- To learn effective goal setting
- To outline the goals and tasks to reach your vision
- To create the plan that will make you a peak performer
- To understand the value of outside, unbiased counsel
- To wrap up all of the concepts we’ve discussed into your plan going forward

Who this course is for:

  • Insurance Brokers
  • Insurance Professionals
  • Insurance Agents
  • Business Owners
  • Entrepreneurs
 -  How to be a High Performance Insurance Broker (Introduction)
  • Udemy teacher
  • English
  • 0
  • 1239
  • 2022-03-14