Health & Fitness

تغذية المستشفيات مع دكتور صلاح درويش

التغذية الاكلينيكية (الجزء التاني)

What you will learn

  • total parenteral nutrition
  • enteral nutrition
  • drug nutrient interaction
  • hospital nutrition basics
  • how to parctice clinical nutrition in the hospital


i dr. salah darwish present to you a clinical nutrition course for hospital nutrition foundation

including items like

1- how to make a malnutrition assessment

2- dealing with enteral nutrition

3- what is parenteral nutrition

4- some examples of drug nutrients interactions

5- how to practice a clinical nutrition
i'll help you during this course to learn the basics of hospital nutrition and some exprience in this field

Who this course is for:

  • pharmacists, physicians, nurses
 -  تغذية المستشفيات مع دكتور صلاح درويش
  • Udemy teacher
  • English
  • 2
  • 1470
  • 2022-03-10