Health & Fitness

Fun Games during the COVID-19 Home Quarantine

Laughter is the BEST Medicine

What you will learn

  • Fun games to improve family/partner bonding
  • Improve your Immune system with laughter
  • Decrease stress at home
  • Reduce anxiety and stress druing the COVID-19 pandemic


COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic is major news and problems all over the world right now. Many healthy individuals are requested to be self-quarantine at home to control this pandemic.  Staying at home for a long time causes a significant challenge to remaining physically active and mentally positive. A sedentary lifestyle can influence health, stress, quality of life and family bonding.

Usually spending time with family is a great quality time. However, in the 2019 study on Hurricane Harvey, domestic violence goes up with national crises caused by stress to ramp up.

This mean, COVID-19 is the same situation! In Fact, there was news that a man killed his wife because of overwhelmed stress by COVID-19 in Japan. Also in Europe, news introduced that there are increased numbers for violence reports after lockdown.

I am sure you all stress in this situation, but we need to control this home violence.

How?? How we can do that?

That is why I made this course!

Let's spend 30 min or so quality time with your family/partner and laugh together!

Laughter is the Best Medicine.

Laughter can reduce stress and increase the immune system! So laughter can be helpful to beat COVID-19!!

Yes, we can do this together!

Who this course is for:

  • Everyone who lives with someone, such as family, partner, roommate, etc
  • People who live alone also need to take this course to connect to others through technology
  • People aready tired staying home and stress spending time with family
 -  Fun Games during the COVID-19 Home Quarantine
  • Udemy teacher
  • English
  • 0
  • 1458
  • 2022-03-10