
Fostering Psychological Safety & Belonging on Teams

A Manager's Guide to Creating Psychological Safety, Inclusion and Belonging on Teams

What you will learn

  • Manage your team to foster inclusion and belonging
  • Understand why fostering belonging at your company is ongoing work critical to your success
  • Six steps to build Psychological Safety on your team to foster inclusion
  • Establish a framework for having brave conversations about inclusion and belonging with your team
  • Identify tools and resources to understand what belonging means for all individuals on your team


Have you ever been on a team where you felt included, like you were able to be your true self at work, take risks, and truly grow your career? Being on a team with a shared sense of Psychological Safety and Belonging is a rewarding experience, and often, these teams are also the most productive and innovative. Studies show that when employees feel included in their organization and are able to be their authentic selves at work, they are more engaged and creative, and their organization thrives.

This course is designed for managers to take actionable steps to create Psychological Safety and foster inclusion and belonging on their team. Belonging is personal. It means something different to everyone, but there are practical steps you can take to create the conditions for everyone to belong by creating a shared sense Psychological Safety and inclusion. In this course we’ll cover:

  • How to manage your team foster inclusion and belonging

  • Why fostering inclusion and belonging at your company is ongoing work critical to your success

  • Six steps to building Psychological Safety on your team to foster inclusion

  • A framework for having brave conversations about inclusion and belonging with your team

  • Tools and resources to understand what belonging means for all individuals on your team

Doing this work is challenging, but the experience of leading a team with true Psychological Safety and a sense of Belonging is incredibly rewarding. By doing this work, you will set the standard for your team and your organization on what it means to be a good leader.

Are you ready? Let’s get started.

Who this course is for:

  • Managers who want to foster a sense of inclusion and belonging on their team
  • Leaders who want to create team norms and practices to create an inclusive workplace
  • HR and Learning & Development professionals who want to educate their employees on norms and best practices for fostering inclusion and belonging in the workplace
 -  Fostering Psychological Safety & Belonging on Teams
  • Udemy teacher
  • English
  • 2
  • 1286
  • 2022-03-06