Finance & Accounting

The Euro: the History, Issues and Solutions - Alfred Mifsud

A Practical Understanding of Economics, the EMU and the EU, from the Former Deputy Governor of a Central Bank

What you will learn

  • A practical understanding of monetary policy
  • particularly related to dealing with crisis situations.
  • An overview history of the formation of the euro and the EMU.
  • An overview history of monetary unions.
  • Previous issues with EMU Member States during the financial crisis and European Sovereign Crisis.
  • How the ECB and European countries dealt with crises of the past.
  • The current issues with the euro and EMU stability that may lead to future catastrophic issues.
  • What can be done to resolve the issues within the EMU and provide a more sustainable future for the euro and the monetary union.


The Duomo Initiative presents: "The Euro: the History, Issues and Solutions" with Alfred Mifsud, former Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Malta.

Over the past decade, we have seen Europe limp from problem to problem, from crisis to crisis and from bailout to bailout.

But what is the cause of the issues that Europe has been facing and how can they be resolved? 

What is causing the rise of populist movements in nations such as Italy and Greece, that threaten the existence of the European Union itself?

We will explore those questions and much more in this course, including:

  • The history of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) of the EU.

  • The issues that were faced by the EMU during multiple financial crises. 

  • How the European Central Bank (ECB) tackled the crisis situations.

  • The issues and flaws that still remain within the union.

  • Alfred Mifsud's proposed solutions for resolving the flaws and bringing the union towards a stable equilibrium.

This is a unique opportunity to learn from someone with decades of experience in the financial services industry and first-hand knowledge of how policy-making decisions are made at the European Central Bank.

In this course, you'll learn a practical side of economics, monetary policy, fiscal policy and politics by looking at the case study of the euro and the EMU; one of the most ambitious and important economic developments of our time.

The course features over 3 hours of video lectures (40+ modules) presented by Nicholas Puri, in the typical Duomo Initiative style (as seen in our other courses and on our popular YouTube channel), plus over 20 detailed text modules. You will also get access to an audiobook and digital version of Alfred Mifsud's book "The Euro - Cure or Curse for the Future of the EU?"

All the content in this course has been prepared by Alfred Mifsud, based on his many years of experience. Each section starts with a video of Mifsud introducing the topic and explaining why it is important.

Alfred Mifsud was the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Malta from 2015-2017. During this time, he attended all Monetary Policy meetings of the Governing Council of the ECB, during one of the most eventful and tumultuous times of any central bank in history.

Mifsud is adamant that there are clear solutions to the problems being faced in Europe today. In this course, he will explain them.

Don't miss this unique learning opportunity... Enrol for free today!

Who this course is for:

  • Economics students looking for a practical case study of real-life economic events and related policy making decisions.
  • Business students wanting a deeper understanding of how economic decisions, such as fiscal and monetary policy, affect business conditions.
  • Business operators who wish to be better prepared for future economic events involving the European Union.
  • Economists who would like to know more about the issues with the EMU and what can potentially be done to fix it.
  • Policy makers and those involved in EU-related institutions that would like to know the problems with the EMU and potential solutions.
 -  The Euro: the History, Issues and Solutions - Alfred Mifsud
  • Udemy teacher
  • English
  • 2
  • 1216
  • 2022-03-07