
Copyright made easy

Quickly become highly knowledgable about Copyright law and how to use a copyright to protect your work.

What you will learn

  • Choose the right type of protection: Copyright
  • Patent or Trademark
  • Understand the benefits that intellectual property brings
  • Understand what copyright really means
  • Learn how to apply copyright law and protection to your content


Taught by a licensed attorney, Copyright Made Easy is going to give you a comprehensive introduction to Copyright law and how you can use copyrights to protect your work.

Explained in a easy, highly practical manner, you will learn about the different forms of Intellectual property, the requirements to get a copyright, how you get a copyright and how you can further enhance your copyright for additional protection.

The course is conveniently structured in palatable video lectures where you will learn an important new concept in each video. Featuring over 2 hours of video instruction, you will be sure to walk away with a thorough understanding of copyright law. Although thorough, it is always practical and concise.

This course is important for anybody who "creates" work: Websites, articles, songs and more and is looking to protect their effort.

Who this course is for:

  • This is a comprehensive introduction to copyright law in a practical manner that you can immediately apply to your business or creations. No prior experience with copyright is needed and the course will explain legal topics in clear, easy to understand language and offer highly practical tips.
 -  Copyright made easy
  • Udemy teacher
  • English
  • 5
  • 1225
  • 2022-03-06