
WordPressにContact Form7を使ってお問い合わせフォームを作り、顧客リストを取得する方法

WordPressのお問い合わせフォームを制作できるプラグイン「Contact Form7」の設定方法と使い方について     How to set up and use Contact Form7

What you will learn

  • WordPressにお問い合わせフォームを制作できるプラグイン「Contact Form7」の設定方法と使い方について学べます。
  • Contact Form7へ送られてくる海外からのスパムメールの対策を学べます。
  • Contact Form7での自動返信メールの設定方法がわかります。
  • WordPressで作ったホームページに、お問い合わせプラグインがなぜ必要なのか??を学べます。


このコースではWordPressのお問い合わせフォームを制作できるプラグイン「Contact Form 7」の設定方法と使い方について レクチャーしていきます。

このContact Form 7は、WordPressで動くプラグインの為、WordPressをすでにインストール済みである、という事が必須になります。


















一般的なウェブサイトのCRVは、 1%から3%と言われています。



一般的なウェブサイトのコンバージョンレートが 1から3%ですから、













私がお勧めするのは、数あるWordPressのプラグインの中でも「Contact Form 7」を強くお勧め致します。

このContact Form 7とは、Word Pressの問い合わせプラグインの中でも、この500万件のダウンロード数を見てもわかる通り、ワードプレスの中で最もダウンロードされているプラグインのひとつです。

2021年現在、世界のウェブサイトの43%がWord Pressで構築されている、という事実も考慮すれば、「世界で最も人気のある問い合わせ構築プラグイン」の一つであると言っても過言ではありません。

Word Pressには、Contact Form 7以外にも、優れたフォーム構築プラグインはたくさんあります。

例えば、海外ではWP formsや、Ninja form、そして WordPressのセキュリティプラグインのjetpackに付随しているJetpack:Contact Form などが有名です。


運用面でのコストを考えると、WP formsなどの推奨有料プランなどは毎年199ドルかかりますし、また有料プランではないと使えないような機能を搭載している問い合わせフォームも多くあるのが事実です。

あなたが費用を抑えながら沢山のウェブサイトに問い合わせフォームを構築しようと思うのであれば、無料でなおかつ高性能な品質を持つContact Form 7に軍杯が上がります。

なによりも、慣れてしまえば簡単に使えるシンプルさが私はContact Form 7の魅力だと思っています。

ここまでは「Contact Form 7」の良いところばかりを話しましたが、














Googleのリキャプチャや、Akismet、またはfunction phpにコードを書き込むなど、対策方法はいくらでもあります。

では、さっそく具体的なContact Form 7の設定方法を学んでいきましょう。


In this course, I'll teach you how to set up and use Contact Form 7, a plugin that allows you to create contact forms for WordPress.

Contact Form 7 is a plugin that runs on WordPress, so you will need to have WordPress already installed on your computer.

Do you know what is the most important thing when creating a website?

Is it to make a good looking and cool top page?

Is it to create a structure that is SEO friendly?

Or is it to give your potential customers useful information through good copywriting?

None of them are the same.

There is one thing that is the most important thing and should not be forgotten as the raison d'etre of a website.

That is, a website that can elicit some kind of "action" from the customers who access it.

No matter how good your website looks.

No matter how good a website you make, no matter how good a copywriter you hire.

No matter how good your website looks, no matter how good a copywriter you hire, you will never get any money in your bank account unless your customers take action, i.e., make inquiries, request information, get free counseling, or make an appointment if you are a store-based business like a beauty salon or dentist.

Because it's important... I'll say it again.

You will not receive any money unless the users who visit your website take some kind of "action".

A website that does not generate user action is a failure.

On the other hand, the more inquiries you receive from customers who visit your website, the more money you will receive from ..... The more potential customers "take action" on your website, the more you have succeeded in acquiring a valuable list of potential customers, and the more opportunities you have for sales.

The best thing about having a contact form is that you will have the customer's email address in your possession.

What does the large number of email addresses you get from your contact form mean?

It means people who are interested in your service or product. This can be thought of as the number of people who are sending love calls to your product or service.

The CRV of a typical website is said to be between 1% and 3%.

The term "CRV" stands for Conversion Rate. Conversion means "to convert" in Japanese, so the conversion rate is "the percentage of potential customers who visit your website and are converted into customers.

It can be said that the conversion rate is the percentage of users who access a website and take an "action" such as purchasing a product, requesting information, or registering as a member.

Since the conversion rate of a typical website is between 1 and 3 percent

Only 2.3 out of 100 people who visit your website will actually contact you, request information, or purchase a product. That's only 2.3 people.

What do you think of these 2.3 people?

I'm sure you will feel that they are like a diamond found in the infinite desert that is the Internet.

The task of finding a diamond in the desert sand of the Internet is ..... That's what finding potential customers is all about.

The precious treasure you have found is

As you continue to send step-by-step emails that you have written with all your heart and soul, your relationship of trust will grow.

And by the time you have built a rapport of trust with your prospects

By the time you have built up a rapport of trust with your prospects, the likelihood that they will buy the front-end product you want to sell or the back-end product you want to follow will be very high.

This is where your product or service will be sold and you will get your money.

The email address is one of the most important assets in your customer list, and it is one of the most important factors that will directly affect the future sales of your business.

So far, you know how you have to take measures to make your customers "take action", such as installing a contact form on your website.

So, what kind of contact form should you install?

I strongly recommend "Contact Form 7" among the many WordPress plugins.

This Contact Form 7 is one of the most downloaded Word Press contact plugins, as you can see from this 5 million downloads.

If you take into account the fact that 43% of the world's websites are built with Word Press as of 2021, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is one of the "most popular contact building plugins in the world.

In addition to Contact Form 7, there are many other excellent form-building plug-ins for Word Press.

For example, WP forms, Ninja form, and Jetpack:Contact Form, which comes with the WordPress security plugin, jetpack, are famous overseas.


If you consider the cost of operation, the recommended paid plan such as WP forms costs $199 per year, and there are many contact forms with features that are only available with the paid plan.

If you want to build contact forms for many websites while keeping your costs low, Contact Form 7 is the best choice because it is free and has high quality.

Above all, I think the simplicity of Contact Form 7, which is easy to use once you get used to it, is its charm.

So far, I've only talked about the good points of "Contact Form 7," but

However, this plugin also has its weaknesses.

Let's assume that you are a "spammer" who sends out spam emails.

Which platform would you target for mass mailing of spam emails?

Is it Ameba blog?

Or is it FC2 blog?

It makes a difference, doesn't it?

If you have a lot of results... I mean, if you want to make sure that lots of people will open your spam mail, you need to send it to a platform that has a larger population of users.

If you want to make sure that your spam emails get opened by a lot of people, you should learn to use a platform that has a larger user base and is used not only in Japan but also worldwide.

As one of the most popular plugins in the world, the users are not necessarily only Japanese.

Because it is a popular plugin used all over the world and has a large number of users, it is also targeted by spammers from overseas.

If you don't take any countermeasures, you will probably receive a lot of spam mail from overseas every day.

But don't worry.

I'll tell you how to deal with such a series of spam mails.

You can use Google's recaptcha, Akismet, or write code in your function php.

Now, let's learn how to set up Contact Form 7 specifically.


  • WordPressでContact Form7のインストールや設定の方法などを学びたい人。
  • WordPressで作ったホームページやブログにお問い合わせフォームを実装したい方。
  • ホームページやブログにお問い合わせフォームを実装し、顧客リスト(メールアドレス)を取得したい方。
 - WordPressにContact Form7を使ってお問い合わせフォームを作り、顧客リストを取得する方法
  • Udemy teacher
  • 日本語
  • 3
  • 1760
  • 2022-04-22