
Christian help for Depression

How to get free from Depression

What you will learn

  • Be free from Depression
  • Be able to help others get freedom from this bondage


How to Set the Captives Free:

If you want freedom from depression, anxiety, panic attacks, fear, suicidal thoughts or trauma, or If you would like to be trained in helping people get set free from any of these oppression's, here are the fundamental biblical principles that we have found as the building blocks for any person to be set free.

No human Psychotherapy (talk therapy) or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (changing underlying beliefs) can ever compare with the truth from the Word of God, to help set a captive free.

For example, and there are many examples, all humans have Guilt, Shame, and Condemnation from past sins. To ask a person to forget past sins, or to ignore, the guilt shame and condemnation, is preposterous, and makes no sense.

The only remedy, and the everlasting remedy, for a Christian, is, the promise of (I will remember your sins no more Heb 8:12). This promise, will bring a clear conscious, and will wash away, all Guilt, Shame and condemnation, that comes from past sins.

This is one reason (and there are many) why there is no comparison to the freedom setting truth from the Word of God, to any man made remedy from depression, anxiety, panic attacks, trauma,  eating disorders, cutting, Anger and Rage, and any other oppression's.

We must address the spiritual problem, when the spiritual issues are overcome, then the person can taste the freedom that Jesus has provided.

Once the spiritual battle is won against any of these oppressions like, Depression, Anxiety, Fear, PTSD, Bolima, panic attacks, Bipolar, trauma anxiety, Stress, (psychological Disorders), Feeding and Eating Disorders, Cutting - Self-Injury, the battle in the flesh can be overcome much easier, but, there is no freedom until the spiritual battle is won, because the essence of these disorders are spiritually based.

Who this course is for:

  • Christian who want freedom from Depression
  • Christians who want to learn how to set the captives free
 -  Christian help for Depression
  • Udemy teacher
  • English
  • 1
  • 1274
  • 2022-03-10