
Business Happens

A Practical Guide to Entrepreneurial Finance for Small Businesses & Professional Practices

What you will learn

  • Assess a venture's overall feasibility and the student's ability to undertake its development and management


       The Business Happens Online Course—which Mitchell D. Weiss developed for undergraduate nonbusiness majors at the University of Hartford—delivers the practical knowledge you need for the venture you have up and running, or have in mind to launch. From writing a business plan to choosing the right legal structure, tracking financial performance to borrowing money, you’ll learn what it takes to create and competently manage a business the will stand the test of time. The 30 videos—which are grouped into 4 multi-part segments that can be viewed on your own schedule and at your own pace—compliment the Business Happens book on which the course is based.

  About your instructor: Mitchell D. Weiss is an experienced financial services industry executive and entrepreneur, adjunct faculty at the University of Hartford a former member of the board of the university’s Barney School of Business and co-founder of its Center for Personal Financial Responsibility. He also is adjunct faculty at Rutgers University's Mason Gross School of the Arts.

       In addition to Business Happens: A Practical Guide to Entrepreneurial Finance for Small Businesses and Professional Practices, he is also the author of Life Happens: A Practical Guide to Personal Finance from College to Career-2nd Edition and its companion course book, and College Happens: A Practical Handbook for Parents and Students

Who this course is for:

  • Fundamentally understand the development of business, strategic and operating plans; prudently source legal and accounting representation; select appropriate legal structures; apply the best financial management practices and how to use that to arrange for an negotiate debt and equity (investment) capital; how to deal with financial adversity; how to prepare for the transfer, sale or orderly liquidation of the venture
 -  Business Happens
  • Udemy teacher
  • English
  • 0
  • 1216
  • 2022-03-07