
Beginner VS Code

Best Free Code Editor for Mac and Windows

What you will learn

  • Learn why you want to use VS Code
  • even as a beginning coder.
  • Install VS Code
  • for free
  • on Windows or Mac
  • Get up-to-speed fast with VS Code.
  • Use VS Code Extensions to simplify learning and productivity.


Whether you're just getting started learning to write code, or have been at it for a while, you're sure to find something to love in VS Code. This awesome editor is 100% FREE for Mac, Windows, and Linux. While marketing primarily to professional programmers, VS Code is an excellent editor for students and other learner just getting started with HTML and CSS. This course focuses mainly on those students and learners who in the beginner to intermediate stages of learning to code with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Who this course is for:

  • You're just getting started learning to code, and want to reduce your frustration and speed your learning.
 -  Beginner VS Code
  • Alain A.
  • English
  • 4
  • 1248
  • 2022-03-06