
An Agency and Freelancers Guide to Building Ecommerce Sites

How to Build an Effective Ecommerce Site for a Client and Still Make a Profit

What you will learn

  • Understand the key components of creating an effective Ecommerce site that clients will love.
  • Learn how to deal with limitations in budget and time.
  • Understand what undermines profitability on a project and how to deal with it.
  • Learn how building Ecommerce sites for clients can lead to ongoing revenue for you.
  • Discover the pitfalls of Ecommerce builds and how to tackle them.


Do you work on Ecommerce websites for clients? Do you get frustrated by scope creep, Difficult clients and endless iterations? Do you find yourself losing money on these projects? If so, this course is for you.

Drawing on my 13 years of experience running an agency and 6 years of coaching agency owners and freelancers like you, I will teach you the techniques for managing scope creep, structuring projects and ensuring you make a profit from your client work.

In this course we will cover...

Lesson 1 - The Best Approach to Ensure Ecommerce Success

Lesson 2 - Selling Your Ecommerce Approach to Clients

Lesson 3 - Carry Out a Research and Recommendations Project

Lesson 4 - Finding and Understanding the Customer

Lesson 5 - Getting Design Approval

Lesson 6 - Use Prototyping to Define the Build

Lesson 7 - Streamline Development to Maximize Profit

Lesson 8 - Maximize Conversion Through Performance

Lesson 9 - Managing the Launch of a Client Site

Lesson 10 - Maximizing Site Conversion and Securing Long Term Work

This will all help you to compile a process for running your projects and a checklist for managing each stage within it. We will also explore how to present this process to prospective clients and build a slidedeck explaining the approach.

So, if you are a freelancer or agency owner, I highly recommend setting aside an hour to take this course.     

Who this course is for:

  • This course is intended for any agencies and freelancers who would like to profit more from Ecommerce builds.
 -  An Agency and Freelancers Guide to Building Ecommerce Sites
  • Udemy teacher
  • English
  • 3
  • 1404
  • 2022-03-15